AEPL report "Governance of AI".

Published on 15/06/2020

For better European governance of Artificial Intelligence. The European Union wants: AI that puts people and citizens first; technologies that are reliable and therefore trustworthy; to put these technologies at the service of a society...

Letter from AEPL "Governance of Artificial Intelligence".

Published on 10/06/2020

Madam President of the European Commission, For an ethical artificial intelligence. Your European vision of Artificial Intelligence, giving primacy to ethics, continues to hold the full attention of the European Free Thought Association (EFTA). The European Association of Free...

Letter from AEPL "The necessary ethics of Artificial Intelligence".

Published on 09/11/2019

Topic: Towards ethical artificial intelligence. Brussels, 9 November 2019. Madam President of the European Commission, Your European vision of Artificial Intelligence, giving primacy to ethics, has attracted the full attention of the European Association of Intellectual Property...

AEPL "Future of Work" report

Published on 01/07/2019

EUROPEAN UNION: DIGITAL TRANSITION, WORK, EMPLOYMENT AND NEW FORMS OF SOLIDARITY. Claude WACHTELEAR and Eric MAERTENS, coordinators of the Working Group The spread of digital technologies and its effects cover various fields: ethics, education, culture, work. AEPL is well aware that there are links...

AEPL report "A more secular Europe? A plea for vigilant pragmatism".

Published on 09/02/2019

Public conference "Secularism: a new idea in Europe? "Paris, 9 February 2019 Claude Wachtelaer, President of the Association européenne de la Pensée libre (AEPL) The question that brings us together may come as a surprise. Why is the notion of secularism - and, in Paris,...

AEPL report "L'Europe Autrement" (Europe Otherwise)

Published on 18/04/2018

The document "Europe autrement - de la nécessité de refonder l'Europe" (Europe differently - the need to rethink Europe) is the result of a consultation process that lasted almost two years with AEPL members. In it, they express their views on the future of a European Union capable of...

AEPL report "An impartial state

Published on 21/10/2017

Lecture presented by Claude WACHTELAER at the Congress of Secularism (Kongres Świeckości), Warsaw, 21 & 22 October 2017. I have been asked to present the Belgian and Dutch models of church-state relations. I will start by...

High-level meeting: dialogue with Mr Frans Timmermans

Published on 19/06/2017

"THE FUTURE OF EUROPE: AN EFFECTIVE UNION FOUNDED ON VALUES" Visit by our Past President of AEPL, Claude Wachtelaer, to the European Commission. Introduction First and foremost, it is vital for citizens to be reassured by policies that improve the quality of life of their...

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