AEPL Charter

AEPL Charter

TITLE I: Name, Registered Office, Duration, Aims of the Association

Article 1 Name

The non-profit association is called :


(In all the official languages of the European Union)

In short: AEPL.EU ASBL

Bank account: BE91 7512 0489 6776 (AXABBE22)

Website :

E-mail address :

Article 2 Registered office

The registered office of the association is established in the judicial district of Brabant Wallon (Nivelles). It is currently located at 44 rue du rouge cloître, B-1310 La Hulpe. It may be transferred to any other location in Belgium by decision of the General Meeting.

Article 3 Duration

The Association is established for an unlimited period. It may be dissolved at any time.

Article 4 Purpose

Without this providing any material benefit whatsoever to any of its members, the aims of the association are to :

- to bring together in a single European network Free Thinkers who share the humanist values and principles of progress inspired by the Enlightenment, and to promote and strengthen these in the European public arena

- promote the European Project.

- promote the rights of European citizens as set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon

- promote the separation of state and religion,

in a spirit of freedom of conscience, and by collaborating with any other association pursuing the same goals, with the same absence of profit motive.

Article 5 Corporate purpose and resources

The association achieves this aim in all ways, in close collaboration with its members. It may carry out any act directly or indirectly related, in whole or in part, to its purpose or which may lead to its development or facilitate its achievement.

Thus, in pursuit of its disinterested aim, the association may carry out commercial activities of an ancillary nature, the income from which will be used entirely to achieve the said disinterested aim.

It may own or use any property necessary to achieve its purpose.

TITLE II: Members

Article 6 Composition

The association is made up of :

  • of members workforce hereinafter referred to as "members who alone enjoy all the rights granted to shareholders by law and these Articles of Association, in particular the right to deliberate and vote at General Meetings;
  • of members members whose rights and obligations are set out in Section VI of these Articles of Association.

Article 7 Composition

The number of members is unlimited but may not be less than three.

The admission of new members is decided by the Board of Directors.

Article 8. Resignation of a Member

Any member is free to withdraw from the association by sending a written resignation to the Administrative Body.

Membership is automatically terminated by death or, in the case of a legal entity, by dissolution, merger, demerger, nullity or bankruptcy.

Article 9. Suspension of Members

The Administrative Body may suspend, until a decision is taken by the General Meeting, members who have committed a serious breach of the Articles of Association or the law, or who have caused significant moral or material damage to the association.

Article 10: Exclusion of Members

The exclusion of a member may only be decided by the General Meeting under the same quorum and majority conditions required for the amendment of the Articles of Association (see art. 18).

If the member so wishes, the member whose exclusion is requested may ask to be heard by the General Meeting.

For any request for exclusion which has been the subject of a vote at the General Meeting, the result of the vote in question, whatever it may be, shall be communicated to the member by registered letter.

Article 11. Rights of Members and their heirs and assigns

A member who resigns, is suspended or excluded, as well as the heirs or successors of a deceased member, have no rights over the Association's assets. They may not claim or request statements, rendering of accounts, affixing of seals, inventories or reimbursement of contributions paid.

Article 12. Register of Members

The association keeps a register of members, under the responsibility of the Administrative Body. The Administrative Body may decide that this register shall be kept in computerised form.

The register includes the surname, first name, date of birth and home address of each member.

All decisions to admit, resign or exclude members are entered in the register by the Board of Directors within eight days of the Board of Directors becoming aware of the change(s).

Any member may consult, at the association's registered office, the register of members, as well as all the minutes and decisions of the General Meeting and the Board of Directors, and all the association's accounting documents, on simple written and reasoned request to the Board of Directors. Members must specify the documents to which they wish to have access. The Administrative Body agrees a date with the member for consulting the documents. This date will be set within one month of receipt of the request.

Article 13. Membership fees

Members pay an annual subscription, the amount of which is set by the General Meeting and which may not exceed 1000,- euros. Members are not required to pay any entrance fees.

In the event of non-payment of a member's subscriptions, the Administrative Body shall send a reminder by any written means: ordinary letter sent by post or delivered by hand, e-mail if the member is able to receive it.

If the member has not paid the membership fee within two months of the reminder being sent, the Administrative Body will send a registered letter to the member setting a new deadline. If the member does not meet its payment obligations after these two statutory reminders, the Administrative Body will declare the member to have resigned (see article 9:23 of the Companies and Associations Code) and will notify the member of this decision by registered letter.

TITLE III : The General Meeting

Article 14. Composition

The General Meeting is made up of all the members and chaired by the Chairman of the Board or, in his absence, by the Vice-Chairman. of the Board of Directors.

Article 15. Powers

The General Meeting is the sovereign power of the association. In particular, it is responsible for :

- amendments to the Articles of Association (see Article 18 of these Articles of Association);

- the admission of full members (see Article 7 of these Articles of Association) and associate members (see Article 31 of these Articles of Association);

- the exclusion of full members (see Article 10 of these Articles of Association) or associate members (see Article 35 of these Articles of Association);

- the appointment and dismissal of directors, auditors and liquidator(s);

- the designation of persons delegated to carry out day-to-day management (officers), the scope of their powers and the manner in which they are to be exercised (individually, jointly or as a body);

- the appointment (art 39) and remuneration of auditors where remuneration is paid ;

- approval of accounts and budgets;

- the annual discharge to be granted to the directors, the auditors and, in the event of voluntary dissolution, to the liquidators;

- voluntary dissolution of the association;

- the possible transformation into a company with a social purpose ;

- deciding what should happen to the Association's net assets in the event of its dissolution;

- all cases required by the Articles of Association;

- setting the amount of the annual fee payable by members (see Article 13 of these Articles of Association);

- approval of any internal rules and amendments thereto (see Article 36 of these Articles of Association);

- the decision to bring a liability action against any member of the association, any Director, any auditor, any person authorised to represent the association or any agent appointed by the General Meeting

Article 16. Ordinary General Meeting - Convening

Members are convened to the Ordinary General Meeting at least once a year within six months of the end of the previous financial year. The General Meeting is convened by the Administrative Body by any written means of transmission: ordinary letter sent by post or delivered by hand, e-mail to members able to receive it, at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting. The notice must specify the date, time, place and agenda. Associate members are convened according to the same procedure.

Article 17. Representation

All members (natural or legal persons) have equal voting rights at the General Meeting. Associate members attending the General Meeting do not vote.

Any member may be represented by another member to whom he gives written proxy.

Each member may hold no more than one proxy.

Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes, unless otherwise provided by law or by these Articles of Association.

Votes are taken on each of the items on the agenda.

Invalid votes and abstentions are ignored in the vote count.

In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting has the casting vote.

Article 18. Deliberation

The General Meeting is validly constituted irrespective of the number of members present, except in cases where the law requires an attendance quorum and a voting quorum (change to the articles of association : attendance quorum of 2/3 of members present or represented; voting quorum of 2/3 of members present or represented; exclusion of a member Same as for amendments to the Articles of Association; dissolution of the ASBL or modification of the Corporate Object or transformation into a company with a social purpose (attendance quorum: 2/3 of members present or represented; voting quorum: 4/5 of members present or represented).

Abstentions are ignored when counting votes.

If the law or the Articles of Association require a quorum to be present and this quorum is not reached, a second General Meeting may be called, which may validly deliberate regardless of the number of members present or represented. At least 15 days must elapse between the two General Meetings.

The General Meeting may only validly deliberate on the items on the agenda.

Exceptionally, an item not included on the agenda may be discussed provided that half of the members are present or represented at the General Meeting and two-thirds of them agree to include the item on the agenda.

The General Meeting must be convened by the Board of Directors if a fifth of the members so request in writing, within 21 days of receipt of the request (art. 9:13 of the law). Similarly, any proposal signed by one-twentieth of the members must be included on the agenda of the next General Meeting.

When a decision concerns an individual, it must be taken by secret ballot.

Article 19. Publication of Amendments to the Articles of Association

Any amendment to the Articles of Association or decision relating to dissolution must be filed, within one month of its date, with the clerk of the company's court for publication in the "Annexes du Moniteur belge". The same applies to any appointment or termination of office of a Director, a person authorised to represent the Association, a person delegated to carry out day-to-day management or an auditor.

Article 20. Publicity of decisions taken by the General Meeting

The convening notices and minutes, in which the decisions of the General Meeting are recorded, as well as all accounting documents, are signed by a Director. They are kept in a register at the Association's registered office and may be consulted there by all members if they justify their request and it is accepted by the Administrative Body.

TITLE IV : Management body, Executive Board

Article 21: The Board of Directors, appointment, termination and dismissal of Directors

The association is administered by an Administrative Body made up of at least 3 Directors, appointed and revocable by the General Meeting and chosen from among the members of the association.

The members of the Administrative Body are chosen from among the members of the association and are appointed, after a call for candidates, by the General Meeting by an absolute majority of the votes of the members present and represented.

The term of office for Directors is 3 years. The term of office expires only on the death, resignation or removal of the Director.

Retiring Directors may be re-elected. They hold office free of charge.

Directors undertake no personal obligations in respect of the Association's commitments and are liable only for the performance of their mandate.

Directors are bound by a strict duty of discretion with regard to any information they may have concerning the Association.

Directors are required to answer written or oral questions put to them by Members, before or during the General Meeting, provided that such questions relate to the agenda of the General Meeting. However, they may, when the interests of the association are at stake, refrain from answering questions when the communication of an answer could be prejudicial to the association.

Any Director wishing to resign must notify the Board of his decision in writing.

The General Meeting has the power, by an absolute majority, to dismiss a Director without having to state the reasons for its decision, provided that the Director has been summoned to the General Meeting to be heard before the General Meeting takes its decision.

The Board elects from among its members a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Together, these four Directors form the Executive Board.

Article 22. Frequency of meetings

The Board of Directors shall draw up a schedule of its meetings. The Administrative Body may meet at the request of at least two Directors or as soon as the need arises. It is chaired by the Director elected as Chairman.

Article 23. Deliberation

The Board of Directors may validly deliberate as soon as half of its members are present or represented. Decisions of the Board of Directors are taken by an absolute majority of the votes present or represented, without a Director being able to hold more than one proxy.

In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting has the casting vote.

Article 24. Powers

The Board has the broadest powers for the administration and management of the association. The Administrative Body operates on the principle of a college. All powers not expressly reserved by law or the Articles of Association to the General Meeting shall be exercised by the Administrative Body.

Article 25. Delegation of day-to-day management

The Board of Directors may delegate certain powers to several Directors, acting individually.

The powers of the day-to-day management body are limited to the day-to-day management of the association, which enables it to carry out acts of administration:

- that do not exceed the ASBL's day-to-day needs,

- which, because of their insignificance and the need for a prompt solution, do not justify the intervention of the Board of Directors.

The term of office of the day-to-day delegates, which may be renewed, is set by the Board of Directors.

The end of a director's term of office automatically entails the end of the term of office of the delegate responsible for day-to-day management.

The Board of Directors may, at any time and without having to justify its decision, terminate the appointment of any person responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company.

The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, is responsible for chairing and leading the Board.

The Secretary is responsible for handling the Association's mail, drafting the minutes, keeping the register of members and preserving any other document useful to the Association. He is also responsible for filing documents for publication with the relevant authorities.

The Treasurer is responsible for keeping the accounts, making tax declarations and filing the accounts with the relevant authorities, as well as relations with the banks.

Article 26. Representation

The association may be validly represented in all acts or in court by at least two Directors appointed by the Board of Directors acting jointly, who, as a body, shall not be required to justify to third parties a prior decision and power of attorney by the Board of Directors.

The Administrative Body may, at any time and without having to justify itself, terminate the mandate conferred on the person(s) responsible for the general representation of the association.

Article 27. Mandate and liability

Directors and persons delegated for day-to-day management or representation do not, by virtue of their office, enter into any personal obligation and are only liable for the performance of their mandate, which they exercise free of charge.

Article 28. Publications

Deeds relating to the appointment or termination of the functions of Directors, persons delegated to the day-to-day management and persons authorised to represent the association are filed with the clerk of the Commercial Court, within one month of their date, with a view to their publication in the "Annexes du Moniteur belge".

TITLE V: Dissolution

Article 29: Dissolution

With the exception of legal dissolution, only the General Meeting may dissolve the association in accordance with Book 2, Title 8, Chapter 2 of the Companies and Associations Code.

In the event of the voluntary dissolution of the Association, the General Meeting shall appoint one or more liquidators, determine their powers and indicate how the net assets of the Association are to be allocated.

This appropriation must be made in favour of an ASBL, a private or public foundation, an international not-for-profit association or a foreign association with legal personality that has a similar purpose to that of this association.

TITLE VI: Associate members

Article 30: Associate members

Associate members are persons who wish to help the Association or participate in its activities and who undertake to comply with the Articles of Association and the decisions taken in accordance therewith. Associate members enjoy only the rights and obligations defined in this section. They may, however, attend General Meetings but do not have the right to vote.

Any paid-up member may apply to become a full member by sending a letter to the Administrative Body. In this case, the next General Meeting will decide, by a simple majority, whether or not to grant the application.

Article 31: Admission of a new member

Any person wishing to become an associate member shall submit a written application to the Executive Board in which he or she clearly states his or her reasons for becoming an associate member. Persons admitted as associate members are entered on the list of associate members and may unsubscribe at any time. This list is updated in real time.

Article 32: Membership fees

Associate members pay an annual subscription, the amount of which is set by the General Meeting. The membership fee may not exceed €1,000 per year.

In the event of non-payment of membership fees, the Executive Board will send a reminder by e-mail and remove the member from the membership list.

Article 33: Resignation of a member

Any member is free to withdraw from the association by sending a written resignation to the Administrative Body.

Membership is automatically lost on death.

Article 34. Suspension of a Member

The Administrative Body may suspend, pending a decision by the General Meeting, any member who has committed a serious breach of the Articles of Association, the law or the Internal Regulations, or who has caused significant moral or material damage to the association.

Article 35: Exclusion of a member

A member may only be expelled by the Board of Directors by an absolute majority of votes cast.

If they so wish, members whose exclusion is requested may ask to be heard by the Administrative Body.

For any request for exclusion which has been the subject of a vote by the Administrative Body, the result of the vote in question, whatever it may be, shall be communicated to the member by e-mail.

TITLE VII: Miscellaneous provisions

Article 36. Internal regulations

The Board of Directors may submit internal regulations to the General Meeting. Amendments to these rules may be made by an absolute majority at a General Meeting.

Article 37. Financial year

The financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

Article 38. Accounts and budgets

The accounts for the previous financial year and the budget for the following financial year shall be submitted annually to the Ordinary General Meeting for approval by the Board of Directors.

Article 39. Auditors

The General Meeting may appoint one or more auditors, appointed for one year and eligible for re-election, to audit the association's accounts and present their annual report to the General Meeting.

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IBAN : BE91 7512 0489 6776

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