Letter from AEPL "Women's freedom in Iran".

Published on 24/09/2022

Dear High Representative, The European Association of Free Thought, AEPL, is accredited, informed and consulted by the European Commission under Article 17 of the TFEU. Like many others, we have followed the latest events in Iran and admired the...

Letter from AEPL "Freedom of philosophical conviction".

Published on 12/08/2022

Madam President of the European Commission On behalf of the Association Européenne de la Pensée Libre (AEPL), which is well known to your services, we are contacting you to express a number of reservations concerning the very principle of...

Letter from AEPL "Maladministration of philosophical freedoms

Published on 04/08/2022

Madam President of the European Parliament, Following on from the warm welcome you very recently extended to the prelates of Comece, the leaders of the European Free Thought Association (EFTA) would like to have the opportunity to meet with you in order to discuss...

The spectre of nationalist populists is hovering over the EU

Published on 28/04/2022

The opposition between European progressives and nationalist populists can be seen in all the elections, whether legislative or presidential in Europe (in Hungary with Orban or in France with the presidential election and soon the legislative elections) and is reflected in the debates around...

AEPL Report "Religion and the EU's external policies

Published on 01/01/2021

Religion and the EU's external policies. A critical analysis. Summary. The European Free Thought Association has noted with interest the document drawn up by the European Parliament's Research Service on the links between the EU's external policies and...

AEPL report "Governance of AI".

Published on 15/06/2020

For better European governance of Artificial Intelligence. The European Union wants: AI that puts people and citizens first; technologies that are reliable and therefore trustworthy; to put these technologies at the service of a society...

Letter from AEPL "Governance of Artificial Intelligence".

Published on 10/06/2020

Madam President of the European Commission, For an ethical artificial intelligence. Your European vision of Artificial Intelligence, giving primacy to ethics, continues to hold the full attention of the European Free Thought Association (EFTA). The European Association of Free...

Letter from AEPL "The necessary ethics of Artificial Intelligence".

Published on 09/11/2019

Topic: Towards ethical artificial intelligence. Brussels, 9 November 2019. Madam President of the European Commission, Your European vision of Artificial Intelligence, giving primacy to ethics, has attracted the full attention of the European Association of Intellectual Property...

AEPL "Future of Work" report

Published on 01/07/2019

EUROPEAN UNION: DIGITAL TRANSITION, WORK, EMPLOYMENT AND NEW FORMS OF SOLIDARITY. Claude WACHTELEAR and Eric MAERTENS, coordinators of the Working Group The spread of digital technologies and its effects cover various fields: ethics, education, culture, work. AEPL is well aware that there are links...

AEPL report "A more secular Europe? A plea for vigilant pragmatism".

Published on 09/02/2019

Public conference "Secularism: a new idea in Europe? "Paris, 9 February 2019 Claude Wachtelaer, President of the Association européenne de la Pensée libre (AEPL) The question that brings us together may come as a surprise. Why is the notion of secularism - and, in Paris,...

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